Sometimes you want to interact with a website by keyboard. Some built-in command like 'tab' jumps from input field to input field.
In more complex scenarios, like browser games, you might want to use the cursers to control objects oder characters on the screen. Or you could use shortcuts like 'ctrl + s' to save things.
Press any key:
ignore key events (e.g. prevent saving page)
Please keep in mind, that there is not a difference for capital an small letters, so: "s" and "S" have both 83 as key-id "S" might also have 16+83 ("shift" + "s")
The following examples does not require any thrid-party libraries like jQuery, since they are native Javascript.
Example for single key usage
HTML code, add event handler to body tag
<body onkeydown="keyDown(event)">
Javascript code
function keyDown( key )
if (key.keyCode == 13)
alert('you pressed enter');
// stop all standard action // e.g. send form
{ //ignore other keys
var pressedKeys = [];
function keyDown( key )
{ // add key to array when pressed
if ( pressedKeys.indexOf(key.key.toUpperCase()) < 0 )
if ( pressedKeys.indexOf(17) >= 0 && // keycode for 'ctrl'
pressedKeys.indexOf(83) >= 0 ) // keycode for 's'
{ // stop all standard action // e.g. browser saving page
// execute you custom action
alert('you pressed ctrl+s');
{ //ignore other keys and key combinations
function keyUp( key )
{ // remove key from array when released